SunSoft Java WorkShop Overview

Brings Internet Applications to Life!

Java (tm) WorkShop (tm) 1.0 is the first complete, integrated development environment for creating Internet applications and Web pages. Now you can design, test, deploy, and maintain Java applications--from dynamic, animated home pages to sophisticated, interactive business applications--with speed and simplicity. Java WorkShop 1.0 provides all the tools you need in one convenient, easy-to-use package, for one low price. The product includes:

Intuitive Web Browser User Interface

Java WorkShop is a Web-centric development environment written entirely in Java. If you use a Web browser you will automatically understand the user interface. The Java WorkShop user interface is a Web browser. Start Java WorkShop and you see a Web page with Web browser buttons, controls, and a toolbar containing icons representing the tools in the environment. (Figure 1.) Each icon on the toolbar is actually a Java applet;"flyover help" identifies each tool as the cursor passes over its icon. Clicking on an icon starts the tool; Java WorkShop loads a new Web page containing the tool into the browser. You can go back to the previous view or reload the current page the same way as you would on any Web page. Just click a button. Switching between tools is as easy as browsing Web pages. And there are HyperText links throughout, so you can always get more information quickly and painlessly.

Figure 1. Web-browser based interface for ease of use

Integrated Toolset for Fast, Efficient Development

Java WorkShop is a complete toolset that works together to make development fast and easy. The toolset includes:

The integrated toolset speeds up the edit-compile-test-debug cycle. You start a project using the Project Manager, create and save Java source files using the Source Editor, and then build a project using the Build Manager. Add Java applets to your Web pages quickly using the Source Editor; Java applet tags are automatically inserted when copying and pasting applets from the Portfolio Manager. Compile errors pop up a browser window with errors highlighted in color. Clicking on an error links to the Source Editor at the appropriate line in the appropriate source file. Once your applet compiles successfully, run it using the Applet Tester.

Figure 2. Integrated Debugger and Applet Tester Shortens Development Time

Find and fix bugs using the Debugger. Running under the Debugger brings up the applet in its own viewer (Figure 2): source and class files are automatically loaded for manipulation: setting breakpoints, tracing, evaluation, and stepping. The Source Browser provides additional information on class hierarchy including methods and constructors. For convenience, Java WorkShop works with existing version control systems, including SunSoft (tm) SPARCworks(tm)/TeamWare and Proworks(tm)/TeamWare, SCCS, RCS, and PVCS.

Figure 3. Portfolio Manager - Point and Click and You're a Publisher

Fast, Efficient Web Publishing Tools

Once an application or applet executes as planned, you can incorporate it into a "portfolio" for publishing on the Web. (Figure 3.) Portfolio Manager allows you to publish an unlimited number of programs in a portfolio. Using the Portfolio Manager, you can share your portfolio with others on the Web, with your team, across the enterprise or for commercial distribution.

Multi-Platform Support

Java WorkShop is written entirely in Java, so it is very portable. SunSoft currently supports the product on Solaris (tm), Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 95, and Microsoft Windows NT platforms. In addition, code written with Java WorkShop is portable. Java applications run on virtually any client--from PCs and workstations to Web browsers--without requiring any code changes.

SunSoft Java WorkShop Version 1.0 Includes:

Features and Benefits

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Compatible Applications

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System Requirements

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Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, SunSoft, Java, Java WorkShop, Visual WorkShop, SPARCworks, ProWorks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.